The 2-gauge console combines a submersible pressure (contents) gauge and a depth gauge housed in a specially designed case. The unit is completed with a high pressure hose. The console clearly displays your pressure and depth readings for easy viewing under water and the dials have a long phosphorescent effect for better reading in poor visibility conditions. The submersible pressure gauge provides accurate pressure readings with a range of 360 bar. The depth gauge reads up to 70m.
- The gauge case is made from nickel plated brass The dial window is made of highly shock resistant material (anti-splinter polycarbonate).
- A specially designed housing protects the gauge and HP hose fitting from accidental damage.
- A large loop area designed into the housing allows for easy attachment.
- There is an over-pressure capsule fitted in the back of the module to prevent the screen from exploding in the unlikely event of the internal mechanism failing.
- Dials have a long phosphorescent effect for better reading in poor visibility conditions.
- There are 2 attachment areas integrated into the design for position flexibility.
- This may be a compact design but the displays are vivid and clear – perfect for diving. For example, the depth gauge spreads the first half of the scale and in total shows a range down to 70 m.
- Depth gauge has resettable max depth indicator