Expand Your Visible Horizons in the softest and coolest mask ever made.
Unparalleled Field of Vision
Our frameless mask allows you to take in more of what is around you, enhancing both the dive experience and your situational awareness of you, your team and the environment.
While no mask can fit everyone perfectly, the XDeep Radical comes pretty close
XDeep has achieved this incredible fit through completely rethinking and redefining the shape of a traditional mask and using the advanced modeling technologies to turn ideas into reality.
Be Safer with Sharper Sight
Great Grip even in Thick Gloves
Not all of us dive in warm clear water. In the chillier climates we have to manage our gear in thick gloves, wet or dry.
Simple in application but thoughtful in design, the mask has been optimized for great grip, whatever your hands are in.
Equalize with ease.
Space where you need it...
No compromise on keeping minimal internal volume, but with care and application we have created extra space where most people want and need it, around the nose area.
...No extra space where you don’t
Large volume masks can be uncomfortable and harder to clear, equalize and are prone to fogging. By minimizing the internal volume we eliminate all these issues.
Pure colors with ultra clear glass
The glass in the XDEEP frameless mask is the purest glass ever used in a dive mask. The glass used has no iron oxide impurities that create a green tinge, commonly experienced in other masks. This ensures that the natural colors come through brilliantly. Of course if you dive in colder, greener waters, you will now know it’s true color!